Tag Archives: search and rescue

The SHARC Report talks to Cheryl Anthony of the Shelter Cove VFD

This July 5 2012 at 5pm on KMUD, The SHARC Report presents an interview with Cheryl Anthony of the Shelter Cove Volunteer Fire Department, to talk about emergency response, disaster preparedness, and emergency communication in that rather remote corner of Humboldt County.

We’ll talk about some of the challenges that make this location unique for first responders and how to stay safe and be prepared in case of emergency while you enjoy your stay in this idyllic little seaside community.

Challenging terrain, earthquakes, wildfires and possible tsunamis all make Shelter Cove a challenging place for emergency responders.  we’ll talk about how the volunteers at the Shelter Cove VFD work to keep you safe while you enjoy your stay.

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